T.R. Reddy School of
Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Technology

Dean Quentin Cooks


“Welcome to the T.R. Reddy School of Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Technology. If you want to earn your degree, 文凭, or Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) in the industrial or engineering field, look no further. We offer a variety of programs that will prepare you for a bright future. We look forward to having you as a member of our Cougar Nation.”

Quentin Cooks




An uppercase abstract A in mint green composed of a smaller leg representing 奥古斯塔 Technical College supporting the larger leg representing the 奥古斯塔 Community and economy. The words 奥古斯塔 Tech and T.R. Reddy School of Advanced Manufacturing & Enginering Technology are in heritage green font to the right of the a, stacked in three horizontal rows with T.R. Reddy Advanced Manufacturing & Engineering Technology in bold font.

Our Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Technology programs offer students an abundance of opportunities. 学生 can choose programs in Aviation Maintenance, 汽车, Air Conditioning, Electrical Systems, 工业 Systems, 机电一体化, and Welding in the industrial area and Architectural Drafting, Chemical Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology, 机械, and Nuclear Engineering Technology in the Engineering area. 航空, 工业, and Engineering programs use new and innovative technology to provide students with competencies needed in today’s workplace — such as critical thinking, problem solving, 协作, 团队合作, and communication.

查看我们的 美洲狮营 for dual enrollment opportunities in STEM fields!



Academic Information
